Ryukyu Aizome Crew Neck T-shirt

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Country and region: Peru
Natural dyed in: Okinawa, Japan

This t-shirt is dyed with Ryukyu indigo, a natural indigo dyeing process that focuses on natural materials and the use of naturally occurring fermentation bacteria.
In order to maximise the unique texture and colour of Ryukyu indigo, the entire process from soil preparation to dyeing is carried out in Okinawa, while maintaining traditional techniques and methods.
The body is made from organic Pima cotton produced without fertiliser or pesticide from indigenous Peruvian seeds.

*Because of the hand-dyeing process, there are individual differences.


100% Cotton (Organic Pima cotton)

– Pima cotton –
The characteristic of Pima cotton is its longer, silkier fiber compared to traditional cotton. This makes the garment softer and smoother to touch and is produced under strict organic textile standards.